Thursday, July 17, 2008

At long last....

We welcome Jillian Alice Felt to our little family! She was born the afternoon of July 15 after a long 15 hours of labor. She weighs 8 1/2 pounds, is 20 and 1/4 inches long and has poofy dark hair. Baby is doing very well and Mom feels so good that it must be criminal somehow!

I know she doesn't look like a newborn here, she's only 48 hours old. She's not always this alert but she is an excellent baby so far. She appears to be her mother's daughter with an excessive fondness for sleep! I'm sure there will be enough future updates to make everyone sick of seeing them. Thanks everyone for your encouragement and prayers, they were needed.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

You've been pregnant too long when.... ask your three year old son what's wrong and he grips his stomach and says, "I'm having contractions!"

....the teenage bagger at the grocery store actually lifts his eyes to look at you, the puberty induced fog momentarily clears, and he speaks..."Whoa, can I, like, help you to your car or something?"

....your Star Wars crazed sons generally refer to you as "Chubba-the-Hutt."

....every well meaning, oblivious, never-had-a-baby checker at Wal-Mart wants to know when your twins are due.

....your favorite food seasoning is "Tums," because even a glass of water gives you heartburn.

....your kids look up at you and say, "Mom, you're getting a little grumpy, maybe you need a few minutes to lie down." matter how much water you guzzle, your bladder only produces urine one teaspoon at a time. are actually looking forward to the experience of childbirth.

Josh and I started making this list together last weekend, I thought I'd post our best and see what other items you could come up with.