Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pros and Cons

Just some random thoughts today. There are definte plusses to having your baby become more independent. She can run get her own shoes, she can throw her own fruit snack wrapper away, and she can play with her toys alone for a good ten minutes, allowing you to actually finish a job. However, she can also open the pantry and get her own box of KIX and dump it all over the floor in the family room. Hmmm....

Yesterday we did one of my favorite Christmas-time activities. We made paper snowflakes for our front window. It's the perfect activity: the kids can participate, the results are fascinating and occasionally elegant, and it costs nothing more than a few sheets of copy paper. Alex was especially proficient and prolific. Our front window is practically a blizzard.

A sports writer today wrote that he could think of only one mega-star, professional athlete who was successful at resisting sexual temptation: Jackie Robinson. That makes him even more incredible! It also makes me grateful for an average, faithful, middle-income man. I'd take the domestic tranquility over the professional dough any day.