Thursday, December 18, 2008

Confessions of a Closet Wal Mart Junkie

Ok, it's out in the open. Despite my best attempts at socially responsible shopping I have to confess that right now Wal Mart is my go-to place. I kind of soured on Target after trying to return some items after Jill was born, items I had purchased there myself and simply needed to exchange. Needless to say, Target's return policy STINKS. Anyhow, when you live out in the middle of nowhere and there's not much else available, you get drawn further and further into Wal Mart's sticky web and suddenly they've become indispensible. It's no wonder they're the only company still meeting their quarterly earnings projections. I even had my Christmas cards printed there this year. In the words of Master Yoda, "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." Help! I am succumbing to the power of the dark side!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mr. Incredible!

Josh has become downright domestic since being released from the bishopric. He spent all week last week building me some storage cabinets and a window seat in our playroom. "Storage cabinets" seems hum-drum compared with what he has made. He's made floor to ceiling, built-in cabinets that match the linen closet in the hall. I can't wait to see the finished product. He's been super-dad lately, doing everything that has been asked of him without complaint. And tonight, to top it all off, he made caramel frosting that brought tears to my eyes. Anyone who knows me well, knows of my penchant for really good caramel. I've been eating the frosting in big scoops all night, no cake necessary. I'm pretty sure I've died and gone to heaven. I love you Mr. Incredible!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Early Resolution

I am finding myself in an early holiday season running slump. So, I am putting my running goal out here in the ether of cyberspace. If I post it on my blog, maybe I'll have better luck hauling myself out of bed to run in the mornings. ( I guess three weeks of really nasty upper respiratory infections don't help.) So....I am shooting for "London's Run" on the last day of January 2009, just the 10K, not the half marathon (yet). So, sisters, cousins and friends, I expect you to hold me to it and give me plenty of grief if I come up with lame excuses. There, I've done it. Now I better go to bed so that I can get up when the alarm goes off. "Dream bum" here I come! (My Beehive advisor had a picture of a really nice backside that she'd cut from a magazine and hung up inside her pantry door for motivation--she called it her dream bum.)