Monday, August 25, 2008

Anecdotes and Accessories

Well I have some great stories from my boys this week. Yesterday was my first day at church alone with the boys. I got up and going early so that I could get everything done and be on time. I did pretty well, got everyone dressed, bags packed, teeth brushed, hair combed and baby bathed. We left just at the right time and made it to church. Just as I was lifting Ryan out of the car I looked down and saw that he was wearing two different shoes and not just any shoes, he had on one camoflage croc and one blue and yellow striped flip-flop. He had put his own shoes on to be helpful that morning. He told me he just felt like wearing two different shoes.

Later on that night we had our friends, the Rosens, over for dessert. When he heard about Ryan's accident, Matt had brought over a Lego set for Ryan, the very first one that he's ever had. He and Alex had a grand time putting it together, and then arguing over who got to play with it! Anyway, when the Rosens came in yesterday, I asked Ryan if he had something to tell Matt. He walked right up and said, "Thanks for the Lego, Matt, I wish you'd get me Obi Wan Kenobi." Mom promptly crawled under the couch and said, "That's my boy!" Ouch!

This morning, Alex ran right up to me first thing and said, "Mom, I think I really do have the Force!" When I asked why, he told me that last night he really wanted the door open, but he was too tired to get up and open it, so he just reached out and used the force and sure enough, the door opened! Way to use the force, my son.

I wanted to put some pictures up today of the accessories my kids have been sporting lately. This is Alex in his camo hat. We bought it for his water day at school and he's been wearing it all over the place since then. He tried to wear it to church one day, but his mean old mom wouldn't let him.

Jillian and Jane are wearing the sunglasses that Grandma Shell and Aunt Carrie sent them. Sunny took this picture during the ten seconds that both babies weren't screaming!

These fabulous sunglasses were Ryan's prize for being good at the dentist. I tried to get him to choose the yellow, star-shaped ones but he had his heart set on the hearts. Much to my chagrin, he wears them all over the place. Whenever he sees me get out my sunglasses, he runs to his drawer to get his too!

And last, but not least, are the flip-flops that Alison bought for Jilly. I love those baby toes. I can't decide who's having more fun shopping, Aunt Alison or Aunt Meggan! Thanks to her Aunties, Jillian will always be well-heeled. But, as Meggan says, "What girl doesn't love shoes and accessories?"

Thursday, August 21, 2008


My sister took some great photos of the kids and their cousins when she was here last month. I just thought I'd post a celebration of cousins. For some reason the kids seem to know instinctively that they're supposed to love each other. They can go for months without seeing each other and still play like best friends. I have so many good memories of my own cousins. So to all you cousins out there, I am thinking happy thoughts of you today. Hooray for cousins!!

This is Jane and Jill, born six weeks apart.

The boys--Alex, Nate, Caleb and Rhino, headed off to battle.

Alex and Ryan and Kate: the newewst additions to the list of famous western bandits.

Alex, Kate and Ryan wearing the hats they made. Talk about haute coutoure!

And last of all, the original "Goon Brothers", or cousins in this case.

Friday, August 8, 2008


What I want to know is if there is a "frequent patient" program for Emergency Rooms, you know kind of like a frequent flier deal. Last night was the second time we have visited the ER for stitches since Jillian was born. First, Josh cut his hand in the shop when Jilly was 4 days old. Then last night, Ryan tripped while he was running around the family room and slammed his forehead into the bookcase. He split his head open, front and center, but luckily right at the hairline. So we headed back to the ER and the same doctor that stiched up Josh, stitched Ryan's head back together. I hope that the scars don't show! They cut his hair off in order to stitch him up so I think it should grow right back over. I am just thanking my lucky stars that my own recovery from childbirth has been so easy. If I'd had to have a c-section, I don't think I'd have been able to handle the stress. As it is, I can attest to the fact that it causes mothers physical pain when their little ones are hurting.
On the happier side, I have some new pictures of the baby to post. I love this one of Alex and Jillian. He is just the perfect age to have a new baby arrive. He's so tender and gentle with her. Ryan is still mostly ignoring her, but at least there is no animosity for the little one who has rocked his pedestal.

Alex is back in school. It seems surreal that my son is in Second Grade. Somehow I didn't think I was that old. Jillian is starting to sleep longer stretches. She can go for up to five hours now at night without thinking that she's starving to death. Consequently, I am a little less of a zombie and I am now starting to dig my house out of three weeks of neglect. Luckily I have a deadline approaching...Josh's parents will be here to visit on Wednesday, so it is definitely time to scrub those potties! As long as there are no more visits to the ER on the horizon I think I can make it.