Dear Family,
Ryan’s Kindergarten graduation was the next hurdle. The kids were cute, and the program started out just fine, it just had about 500 too many songs included in it. Both Josh and I had difficulty not hearing Mr. Incredible, “He is moving from the 4th grade to the 5th.....” Ryan had a wonderful year. His teacher was just right. She teaches kindergarten in about the same way that I parent, so Ryan did just fine. I was worried about him getting a saccharine- sweet teacher and wondering why his mom was such a meanie.
My end of year teacher gifts turned out quite well. I got a crafting bug and decided that rather than another gift card, I would make something for the teachers to use in their classrooms. I made a couple of wall plaques with some teacher-related sayings on them. (I was surprised to discover how familiar the smell of Mod Podge was. I can still remember the Rembrandt calendar pages that my Mom Mod Podged for our family room when I was a little girl.) We had to say goodbye to Mrs. Fatka. She’s going back to Iowa. I can’t blame her. I am amazed she’s lasted this long with the rest of her family half-way across the country. I certainly hope that things turn out well for her. She’s been an incredible teacher and a real force for good in Alex’s life. We went in to say goodbye and all three of us were bawling by the time we left.
Jillian has been sheer comedy all week long. While the boys were gone on the Father’s and Son’s outing, she and I went shopping. She found a pink leotard and tutu that she couldn’t live without. The next morning when we were headed to the library, she came down wearing the pink ballerina suit and her Bob the Builder baseball cap. I think that sums her up pretty well right now. She loves dancing, light saber fights, Polly Pockets, and Lightning McQueen. This week she started recognizing letters on street signs and stores as we drive around. Everywhere we go she’ll suddenly yell out, “Look! a B!” (or an I or a J or whatever she recognizes). She’s also discovered the joy of Beatrix Potter this week. I think she’s already got Peter Rabbit memorized and she’s well on the way with The Tale of Two Bad Mice. Some things never lose their magic.
Josh and I will be heading out with the kids from our ward on the “Pioneer Trek” this week. It will be a pleasant change to be able to be together while he’s fulfilling his duties. The kids can’t wait to get us out the door because Grandma Debbie is coming. Jillian keeps asking when Monday will be. I fully expect her to see her grandma come in, and turn around and say, “It’s time for you to leave, Mom!”
Alan has been putting together some reading material for me while I’m on the pioneer trek. He has done a ton of family history research over the last few years and he’s going to share some of the fruit of it with me. I can’t wait to read and learn what he’s prepared. It will be nice to have some time to contemplate and to “turn my heart to my fathers.”
Today it was about 105 degrees. It’s not supposed to stay that hot. I hope not for the sake of the pioneer trekkers, and for Debbie. She’s coming here from the new Arctic Zone of Salt Lake City. Their temperatures are just barely getting up into the 60’s this year. We’re not even getting down to 60 at night anymore. I hope the temperature difference will not be too shocking.
I got back on the bandwagon with my running this week. I fell down the stairs and broke my toes a couple of months back and could barely walk on them, let alone run. (There will be nothing said here about the boy who left his sleeping bag sitting on the stairs!) I started running regularly again about three weeks ago. It’s amazing how fast you lose whatever stamina you have built up. The last three weeks have been challenging. But yesterday, I was suddenly feeling the love again. I got up at the crack of dawn to avoid the heat, and ran a little over 4 miles without a hitch. It was nice to finish and know that I could have kept going for another 4 and been just fine.
Yesterday I was the little Red Hen. I went to the Superstition Ranch market. It is something like a farmer’s market, or “produce heaven,” as my friend Kelly says. I came home with strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, apricots, peaches, plums, apples, dates, eggplant, asparagus, green beans, and jicama, all for about $30. So yesterday I made 4 batches of jam and a batch of apricot-pineapple pancake syrup. Now I have to make some bread because there’s no reason to have all this jam and no hot bread to eat it on.
We’re looking forward to a few weeks away from the heat and with the cousins. We’re abandoning Josh for a few weeks, but it won’t really matter because he’ll be at scout camp and girls’ camp most of the time anyway.
Well, Thhhaat’s All Folks! Have a great week.
1 comment:
Wow, Cheryl! That's quite the whirlwind of events and now that I'm posting this in July, I'm sure you have more to add to that list :) I love the ballet outfit with the Bob the Builder hat--it shows that Jillian has a great balance between being a "pretty dancing girl" and keeping up with her brothers. Thanks for sharing all the fun times in AZ!
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